Wake up... think of Johnny Depp. Catch a glimpse of nails... think of Johnny Depp. Eat breakfast... think of Johnny Depp. Look at nails holding cereal spoon... think of Johnny Depp. Look across table and imagine Cpt. Jack Sparrow sitting there and...
I think you get the picture.
Perhaps I don't need anything else to make me think of Johnny since he is ever present in my daydreams, but for cool colors with super awesome pirate names (like Sparrow Me the Drama and Mermaid's Tears) I'm happy to oblige! Especially since Cpt. Sparrow is the most rocking character Johnny has ever played!
*Sigh* How I do love that eye-liner wearing, dreadlocked, scruffy, strange bearded, gold-toothed pirate...
Apart from the great new shimmery colors in this new line inspired by POTC, comes one of the most awesome things you could ever put on your nails. A polish called "silver shatter." Once you apply polish to your nails and let it dry very well, just dip the brush in silver shatter and apply on your nail (without coating too much). Within seconds, the polish will start to dry, crackle, shatter and start looking like a weathered plank. As painful as that sounds, it really turns out quite nicely. :)
Some people give this product mixed reviews, but I think you just have to play around with it (like any new product) and find out how it works best on you. Also cool is the black shatter polish available through OPI, though the silver is a bit softer and prettier. It has a dull finish so just put a clear top coat on and you're ready to go! Below you can see the Pirate collection by OPI with and without the silver shatter polish.

There are other shatter/crackle polishes out there, so even if you don't want silver (or don't want to pay for an OPI nail color), branch out and experiment with some shatter polishes! I really think you will enjoy something different. But if you're a Johnny Depp fan like I am, I guarantee that you'll enjoy having Pirate themed polishes. :)