If you're like me, you don't look like a lady in summer. After all, what lady goes around drenched in sweat? I'm sure Godey's Magazine would have informed us that "genteel ladies never perspire!"

Thankfully though, there must be others like me out there in the world. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many clinical strength deodorants on the market! Question is... which one do you use?

Just recently, I bought Mitchum for Women Smart Solid Clinical Performance. Quite the mouthful, huh? I could have saved them the trouble and told them what to really name their product... the Miracle-worker.

After just one try, I couldn't believe how great this deodorant worked for me! It has the exact percentage of the same active ingredient as Suave or Dove clinical strength deodorants. Bonus? The Mitchum deodorant costs a fraction of the price! At K-Mart, I bought Mitchum for $3 (as opposed to Suave and Dove which were all $8-10!)

I don't like "sticky" deodorants and Mitchum does have a slightly stick feel like a roll-on deodorant. However I apply Mitchum, wait a few seconds, then use Arrid XX spray deodorant. Arrid has a different active ingredient and somehow the combination of the two have truly worked a miracle for me! I use it on my underarms and also at my bra line (think I'm crazy? all you big-chested or chubby people will understand! lol).  It really has worked wonders- especially at my underwire line. Normally during the summer, I STAY hot and itchy where my bra rests on my ribcage but Mitchum has solved that problem for me!

There are a lot of people that scoff at supposed "Clinical Strength" deodorants. If you check many of the active ingredients in the regular and clinical strength, you might not see a big difference in percentage. However, the difference is enough to MAKE a difference with your sweating! Even if you try one and don't like it- don't get discouraged! Even regular strength deodorants work differently for different people- each brand has their own little "recipe". I'd recommend starting with Mitchum since it is the most affordable and start working from there if Mitchum isn't exactly what you need! I guarantee you will be shocked at the difference a clinical strength deodorant makes. And if none of them give you the result you desire, it's time to see the doctor! They can prescribe you something to help with the sweating or see if the sweating is being caused by something else than just the nearly intolerable heat of summer! :)

p.s. helpful hint: when using google to search for picture of "sweaty lady" to post on your blog, you might want to rearrange the wording a bit to "sweating, tired, exercise, lady". otherwise you might not get the kind of pics you planned on! LOL