I love facebook. I really do! Just now, I was sitting here on my computer, looking through pictures of the various people on my friends list (half of whom I don't even know). When all of a sudden... I saw IT!!! It was love at first sight! *sigh*
Right now you may be scratching your head and wondering what in the world I'm talking about, but have no fear! Most people can't ever follow my excited ramblings. Especially when it comes to 3 things that I passionately love: Johnny Depp, music, and clothes! So pay close attention and try to follow my insane string of chatter because I have officially fallen in love!
For those of you who know me, you know I love cold weather and winter coats! Is there anything as snuggly, warm and comforting as a thick, wool coat on a cold winter day??? I think not! Unless you also have a caramel latte in your hand as well. In the past, my wardrobe has always been well-stocked with coats and jackets. Despite my love of bold colors though, my practical side has always reigned supremed and dictated that I buy a winter coat in practical, versatile colors. Black, gray, navy, houndstooth... blah, blah, blah.
But hidden away in facebook picture land was a beautiful, orange peacoat with brown bottons. Chic and elegant, fun and funky. Thus started my newest obsession... jewel toned peacoats!
Who says winter coats have to be dark? Why can't they be bright and bold and add color to an otherwise colorless season? A solid, bold color can easily do as your newest neutral coat!
Here are a few examples of where to find the standard peacoat in this fresh new look. Go bold and stand out from the crowd with these rich colors! If you don't see a color you like below, make sure to click the link and check out the additional colors available.
CHEAP - St. John's Bay Cashmere Blend Peacoat in Fierce Blue, $89.99

CHEAPER - Old Navy Wool blend Peacoat in Golden Gate, $59.50

EVEN CHEAPER - Mossimo Supply Co. Peacoat in Purple, $39.99

CHEAPEST - French Terry Peacoat in Red, $18.00